We hear you! We want to help you!

Are you feeling like you hit a dead-end, lost, and unsure what to do?
Are you trying everything you could but unable to find a job that fits you? 
Do you feel like you are trapped in your job and no other opportunities out there?
Do you feel like you will not succeed/ progress in your career journey?

A thousand mile starts with a single step. Take the step today.
We understand it's not easy. We are here to journey with you.

Hear From Our Friend

We journey with you towards better employment outcomes...

We seek to understand your skills, experiences, constraints and aspirations. We provide guidance on ways to profile yourself better to highlight your experiences and skills to employers. Whenever possible we will connect you to potential employers. We also guide you on potential training to upskill/reskill yourself.

...over a meal with our Hosts.

Having a meal is informal and fosters relationship. That is the format of our sessions! Everything is done over a meal. Naturally not everything can be done over 1 meal. Over a series of 3 (or more) meals, Hosts will understand you better and will be able to help in more meaningful ways.

To journey more meaningfully with you, we recommend a minimum of 3 Makan&Shine sessions, each about 1 to 1.5 hours.

Make a friend and improve your employability.

Sign up today.

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